Updated the Monument Pro Acryl range with the Ben Komets, Matt Cexwish, Flameon Miniatures, and Rogue Hobbies Signature Series and the AdeptiCon Spray Team paint set.

Updated the Two Thin Coats paint range to add the paints from Wave 2.

Rebuilt the recipes search to improve the design and results ranking.

Update the Monument Pro Acryl range with the Vince Venturella and Ninjon Signature Series, washes, basing textures, and primers.

Updated the Citadel paint range with the new Contrast, shade paints, and White Scar spray. Moved Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom to the Contrast range.

Updated the Monument Pro Acryl to add Expansion set #3 and Expansion set #4 paints.

You can now add a related video URL to a recipe. The specified video will be automatically embedded above the description on the recipe page.

Only YouTube videos are supported at the moment, but if you'd like to see another service then let me know.

Painters have been dutifully adding categories to their recipes, but until now, they didn't do anything!

Now every category added to a recipe is clickable, so you can browse other recipes in the category to help discover similar recipes.

Have a look at the Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar categories to see what's what.

Added three new paints to the Citadel paint range. Fixed a bug that prevented filtering by type on paint collection pages.

Added the abilty to assign up to five categories to a recipe. In the future these will be used to make it easier to browse and find recipes.

Updated the INSTAR paint range to add Base, Metallics, Provectus, and Vintage paints.

Added Daler-Rowney FW acrylic ink range.

Updated the Scalecolor paint range to add new Inktensity and FX Fluor paints.

Updated the Reaper Master Series paint range to add Pathfinder and seasonal paints.

Added a way to swap out paints in a recipe with alternative paints from different ranges, based on data published by paint manufacturers.

Updated the Citadel paint range to include the new paints that are launching with Indomitus.

Added filters to paint ranges and inventory to make it easier to mange your paints or discover new ones.

You can filter paints by type, name, manufacturer code, and whether they are in your inventory, or on your shopping list.

The recipe page now shows a list of other recipes by the painter.

Redesigned the paints page now that there are lots of paint ranges.

Added INSTAR paint range.

Added manufacturer codes to Vallejo, Reaper, Scalecolor, and Tamiya paint ranges. The codes can be used to quickly add paints in the recipe editor.

Added paint ranges to the search.

Updated Formula P3 paint range to add 14 missing paints.

Improved the way paint ranges are loaded in the recipe editor to reduce overall page size.

Only paint ranges that have been added to the recipe will now be loaded. Adding a new paint range to a recipe will automatically load the paints into the recipe editor.

New recipes will start with any paint ranges in your inventory, the same ranges as in your last recipe or the three most popular paint ranges.

Added WarColours paint range.

Added ten new Vallejo paint ranges and updated the two that had already been imported.

Added Tamiya paint range.

Added Scalecolor paint range.

You can now export your recipes as plain text, Markdown or HTML.

Added a print stylesheet so recipes can be printed out, or exported to PDF by browsers that have that feature.

Paint Pad has officially launched!

Improved the layout of the user dashboard recipe list.

Updated the Citadel paint range with new paints including the brand new Contrast range.

Added a new homepage ahead of full site launch later this month.

Added short URLs to recipes for easier sharing.

The recipe page has been redesigned to improve the look on small screens. Method and paints appear in seperate tabs.

These design changes are also fully reflected in the recipe editor live preview.

Painter profiles are now displayed at the bottom of each recipe so make sure your profile is up to date.

Launched the closed beta to allow people to sign up without requesting an invite.

Updated the site layout with a logo designed by Tom.

Finished the initial setup for progressive web app functionality. Add Paint Pad to your home screen to try it out!

The recipe editing interface has been improved, and the help page has been updated to reflect these changes.

Recipes can also now be marked as tutorials. Use this option when you've created a recipe that works as a step-by-step explanation rather than a set of notes.

You can now mark recipes as "work in progress" to show fellow painters that they should wait a bit before using a recipe that is still being worked out.

Recipe stars are here! Show your support to fellow painters by starring your favourite recipes.

You now have a shopping list where you can make a note of the paints you need to buy. Checking off paints will automatically add them to your inventory.

You can also add all the paints you are missing from a recipe to your shopping list with a single click.

Each step in a recipe can now have an individual photo meaning you can now use Paint Pad to write detailed, step-by-step tutorials.

In addition to this, recipe pages now include a photo slideshow of full resolution images powered by PhotoSwipe.

Added a "paragraph" type to recipe steps. Can be used to add blocks of text to a recipe without displaying a step number next to it.

Added changelog page that details updates since launch.

Added paint inventory to keep track of the paints that you own.

The "Paints used in this recipe" list will now show what paints you have in stock and which you need to buy before you get started.

Added Formula P3 paint range.

Kicked off the closed alpha by letting people request an invite from the homepage.

You can now add descriptions and preview photos to recipes.

Added a painters page, as well as individual painter profiles and avatars.

Rebuilt the recipe editor to improve usability and add a live preview.

Added the "Paints used in this recipe" list to recipe pages.